Maple dijon cedar planked salmon
by Anthea Dawson
There’s nothing like the smell of cedar plank salmon roasting on a barbecue. It instantly elicits memories of warm spring nights with friends, flowers starting to bloom and leaves back on the trees. Don’t be daunted by the cedar plank, they are super easy to use and a great method to add amazing flavour to your salmon without the risk of it sticking to the grill - they only caveat is that the plank must be soaked for at least an hour in water or you run the risk of it catching on fire on the grill. Cedar planks are easy to find at hardware stores, and even some grocery chains and Costco carry them as well!

Serves 4
- 1 or 2 cedar planks, soaked
- 1 side of salmon (about 2 lbs.), skin on, pin bones removed
- Salt & pepper
- 2 tbsp. Dijon mustard
- 2 tbsp. Maple syrup
- 1 tbsp. grated lemon zest
- 2 tbsp. chopped fresh dill
- Lemon, thinly slices
- Chives for garnish
Soak your cedar plank or planks for at least 1 hour in cold water. Once they are thoroughly soaked, preheat your barbecue to high heat.

Season the salmon with salt and pepper. In a small bowl, mix together the mustard, maple syrup, lemon zest and dill, and season with a pinch of salt & pepper. Rub the mixture over the salmon generously and cover with the thinly sliced lemon. Drain the cedar plank(s) and pat dry. Carefully place the salmon on top of the plank, making sure no parts of it are hanging off (or else they will stick to the grill). If your cedar planks are too short, feel free to cut your salmon filet in half and use 2 planks.

Carefully place the planks on your barbecue and close the lid, turning the heat down to medium-low. Bake for 15 - 20 minutes, depending on how rare you like your fish. When done, carefully remove the plank(s) using a long spatula and tongs (I slide it directly onto a large cookie sheet). Slide the salmon off the plank, directly onto a serving platter (the plank is one-use only as it will be very charred) and garnish with chopped chives. Serve with a big Spring salad. Enjoy!